Tvedt, T . Libyakrigen og fraværet av etterpåklokskap, i Heier, T, R. Ottosen og T. Tvedt, Libya. Krigens uutholdelige letthet, Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2019.
Tvedt, T. (2015). Tausheten om Libya [The silence about Libya, in Norwegian]. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 32(3), pp. 205-216.
Tvedt, T. (2011). Hydrology and empire: The Nile, water imperialism and the partition of Africa. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 39(2), pp. 173-194.
Tvedt, T. (2010). Why England and not China and India? Water systems and the history of the Industrial Revolution. Journal of Global History, 5(1), pp. 29-50.
Tvedt, T. (2010). Water systems, environmental history and the deconstruction of nature. Environmental History, 16(2), pp. 143-166. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2010.00369.x
Tvedt, T. (2010) «Bridging the gap: A Water System Approach» in: Østreng, W. (ed) Transference. Interdisciplinary Communications. Oslo: Centre for Advanced Studies.
Tvedt, T. (2010). «Water: A Source of Wars or a Pathway to Peace? An Empirical Critique of two Dominant Schools of Though on Water and International Politics» in: A History of Water: Series II: Vol III: Water, Geopolitics and the New World Order. (Series Editor Terje Tvedt), London: Tauris, pp. 78-111, ISBN 9781848853515.
Tvedt, T. (2010). «Some conceptual issues regarding the study of inter-state relationships in river basins» in: The River Nile in the post-colonial Age : conflict and cooperation among the Nile Basin countries. London: Tauris, pp. 237-247, ISBN 978-1-84511-970-6.
Tvedt, T. (2010). «About the importance of studying the modern history of the Nile basin in a Nile perspective» in: The River Nile in the post-colonial Age: conflict and cooperation among the Nile Basin countries. London: Tauris, pp. 1-11, ISBN 978-1-84511-970-6.
Tvedt, T. (2007). International Development Aid and Its Impact on a Donor Country: A Case Study of Norway. European Journal of Development Research, 19(4), pp. 614-635. doi: 10.1080/09578810701667672
Tvedt, T. (2007). «Development NGOs Revisited: A New Research Agenda» in: Reconceptualising NGOs and their roles in Development: NGOs, Civil Society and the International Aid System. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag, pp. 25-55, ISBN 978-877307799-3.
Tvedt, T, (2006). The International Aid System and the Non-Governmental Organizations: A New Research Agenda, Journal of International Development, 18(5):677-690, 2006
Tvedt, T. (2006). Utviklingshjelp, utenrikspolitikk og den norske modellen [National consequences of Norway’s role in the International Aid System, in Norwegian]. Historisk Tidsskrift, 85(1) pp. 59-85.
Tvedt, T. (2006). Understanding the History of the International Aid System and the Development Research Tradition: The Case of the Disappearing Religious NGOs. Forum for Development Studies, 33(2), pp. 341-366.
Tvedt, T. (2002). Development NGOs: Actors in a Global Civil Society or in a New International Social System? Voluntas. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 13(4) pp. 363-377.
Tvedt, T. (2003). «Eksport av normalisme og import av normalitet» [Export of normalism and import of normality, in Norwegian] in: Meyer, S. & T. Sirnes (eds.) Makt, demokrati og identitet [Power, democracy and identity, in Norwegian]. Oslo: Ad Notam, pp. 116-130.
Tvedt, T. (1997). «Oppfatninger av «Den andre» i et historisk og komparativt perspektiv» [Concepts of «The Other» in a historical and comparative perspective, in Norwegian] in: Aase, T. H. (eds.) Metodologiske tilnærminger til studiet av fordommer og diskriminering [Methodological approaches to the study of prejudice and discrimination in Norwegian]. Oslo: Norges Forskningsråd, pp. 29-41, ISBN 82-12-00802-9.
Tvedt, T. (1997). «NGOs role at the End of History. Norwegian Policy and the New Development Paradigm» in: Myllylä, S. & Hossain, F. NGOs under Challenge. Dynamics and Drawbacks in Development. Helsinki, pp. 139-166.
Tvedt, T. (1995). «Frivillige organisasjoner og norsk utenrikspolitikk» [NGO’s and Norwegian Foreign Policy, in Norwegian] in: Knutsen, T.L., Gjerdåker S. & Sørbø, G.M. (eds.), Norges utenrikspolitikk [Norwegian foreign policy, in Norwegian]. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, pp. 238-260.
Tvedt, T. (1994). «The collapse of the state in Southern Sudan after the Addis Ababa agreement. A study of internal causes and the role of the NGOs» in: Harar, S. & Tvedt, T. (eds.) A short cut to decay: the case of the Sudan. Uppsala: Nordiske Afrikainstituttet, pp. 69-105, ISBN 91-7106-346-3.
Tvedt, T. (1994). «A chronology of the Sudan 1972-1992» in: Harir, S. & Tvedt, T. A short cut to decay: the case of the Sudan. Uppsala: Nordiske Afrikainstituttet, pp. 256-277, ISBN 91-7106-346-3.
Tvedt, T. (1993). «The river Nile as stick and carrot: changing water policies in the aftermath of the World War I» in: Tvedt, T. (ed.) Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: human and ecological consequences of warfare. Uppsala: EPOS, pp. 181-203. ISBN 91-506-0972-6.
Tvedt, T. (1993). «Introduction» in: Tvedt, T. (ed.) Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: human and ecological consequences of warfare. Uppsala: EPOS, pp. 1-14, ISBN 91-506-0972-6.
Tvedt, T. (1993). «Consequences of the First World War in the Blue Nile Basin» in: Tvedt, T. (eds.) Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: Human and ecological consequences of wars in Africa. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Affairs, pp. 181-203.